Nyoops Proxy
Just a fangirl living in Japan, grabbing things for other fangirls.
Please check if I can send to you before sending a form for goods!
Forms and emails checked 10.18 5PM JST
Next Response ETA 10.20
Arashi goods available through proxy
Fanclub Fees through PayEasy
If you would like to order Johnny's Shop Photos, please fill out the form below!
Other Johnny's Online Store Goods
Other Ongoing Proxys I have + If there's something specific you want from Japan, please fill out the form below!
1. Payment is made through PayPal
2. Responses to forms are made around 6-7PM JST on most days, but if you find yourself waiting a few days, I'll defo get to it on Tuesdays and Fridays. I have a full-time job that can sometimes get a bit hectic.
3. Due to COVID, some payments will be split. Items will be paid first and then a separate invoice for shipping will be made later.
4. Shipping from Japan will raise according to demand. (If there are a lot of orders at the same time for the same thing, it will stay a minimum of 200 and then raise to 600 when there is only one order.
i don't make much money off of my services, it usually goes straight back to the fandom through the purchase of my own goods (and thus hopefully supporting the artist XD) so if you find me helpful please send me a ko-fi as a tip https://ko-fi.com/himekohimura